This app used to be pretty bad, as detailed in my original review below. But with the new version 3.21 out, it has gotten a lot worse. First I noticed that it was changing around all the album covers with my music files, so the wrong cover was associated with the wrong file. Then I found that the search function doesnt work at all. Indeed, it causes the app to crash. Finally, it stopped being able to connect with my computer at all. Totally worthless!
My original review... ( Note, I only use this app for audio, so my comments may or may not apply to other media.) To me having a remote when I use JRiver is essential, and this one works quite well. Nevertheless, there are a lot of bugs in the software. For example, theres a volume control. Doesnt work. When listing albums alphabetically there is a setting to ask the program to ignore the words A and The at the beginning of album titles. Doesnt work. The search function is great, and very handy. When it brings up a number of results, however, and you choose the one you want, it will add all the other search results to your playlist. Very annoying! When looking at a list of albums there is an alphabet along the side of the page. The idea is that you can skip directly to the letter you want. This would be very handy if it worked, but for most of the letters of the alphabet it doesnt work.for some it does. Go figure. I hope they can get the bugs out of this program. If they do it would really be terrific. Theres another feature I would really love for them to add as well. I would love to be able to select a track, have it play, and then continue with the rest of the tracks in that album. Unfortunately theres no way to do this with this remote. I hope they add this.
Veganeyes about JRemote